About Us

Ascent Apparel - The story so far.

" Human Potential , though not always apparent , is there waiting to be discovered and brought forth "

At Ascent Apparel we believe in the Human Potential , and that everybody has the potential to be the person they want to be. Doesn't matter if it is in Business , Relationships , Health & Mental wellness , Fitness , Sports , whatever - we ALL have the potential inside us to be great !

Ascent Apparel's humble roots started in Palmyra Western Australia in early 2017 by Carolyn. Her passion to create was organically born from a number of interesting events. Firstly out of necessity. Strength and Conditioning exercise was and still is today, a remedy for her metabolic medical condition discovered after the birth of her first son. Fitness , Resistance Training & Nutrition became both a joyous and necessary part of her life. Secondly , through necessity came great relationships in the fitness industry with positive like minded people.

Talking with friends and acquaintances in the industry , who trained and worked out , there was a common theme appearing in conversations around activewear. Through her own experiences with activewear as well , the common complaints were around the quality and fit of the activewear, the stress of wearing non-squat proof leggings !! and cost. If you pay a premium for activewear you would naturally expect it to last !

Carolyn has always had a passion to create her own designs , so in early 2017 she decided to "take the leap" and go about designing Women's and Men's activewear.

This was the birth of Ascent Apparel !

Ascent Apparel has really streamlined all of the designs to suit the "Every Day" body type. Although designed to flatter your assets , they are a little forgiving when needed.

We truly do believe that exercise and being active is for all. And EVERYBODY has the right to better themselves by being active and have the confidence that they look great in premium activewear.

With all that in mind we do not compromise on the quality of the materials used. A huge amount of time is spent finding the right material blends that will not only feel comfortable during your most intense workout , but will last the distance.

We can sit here and tell you how great our apparel is ….. and it is fantastic ,  but the best way to find out is to try our gear. There are a lot of big brands out there, who do sell great gear , at a premium price. We can confidently state our apparel is just as good , if not better , with fair pricing.

We pride ourselves in our customer service , so if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to hit us up through the Contact Us page.

Also follow us on our Social pages , we would love to see you all representing Ascent Apparel !! 


Ascent: moving from a lower to a higher state: a rising movement.